A Community Which Learns Together!

At St. John the Apostle Catholic Primary School we believe that learning is life-long and diverse in nature, it can occur at anywhere and at any time.

For this reason, every individual within our community will be invited to enter into a process of learning and teaching whereby we share our talents as well as draw on the expertise of others.

St. John the Apostle Primary School will strive to create a community whereby everyone is involved in a process of learning, whether they be student, teacher or parent.

The engagement of students, teachers, and parents actively in a contemporary and comprehensive curriculum which is personalised to suit the student will be key to creating a professional learning organisation

The school will strive to provide a curriculum which is relevant, develops the whole child and embraces the wider community. This will be achieved by creating a culture whereby all students are genuinely known by all staff.

Based on this knowledge, the strengths of each student will be promoted and further developed, whilst their specific needs are catered for through strategic and scaffolded support. The result being a school in which teachers, students and parents instil great pride, feel valued, and experience positive connections with each other.

Our school will strive to deliver a safe, rigorous and relevant curriculum. This curriculum, based on the Victorian Curriculum, will use rich assessment, to inform reflective and collaborative planning of learning programs. Implementation of these programs will be done in a way which best caters for the individual learner.

A Community Which Learns Together!