Adjustments To Prep 2021 Transition Days

As explained in our remote Prep 2021 Information Forum, a level of uncertainty surrounded our ability to deliver the proposed Prep Transition Program due to the COVID-19 restrictions.
With the recent update from the State Government we are required to slightly adjust the program explained at the forum.
The transition program will now be reduced to two sessions in 2020. The first two weeks Term One, 2021 will now be treated as part of the students transition process.
What does this mean for families?
The transition details are as follows:
Transition Session 1: Wednesday, 28th October (Two Half Groups for 1 hour)
Group 1: 10 – 11am

Group 2: 12 – 1pm

(We will contact you with your child’s session time early next term.)

Transition Session 2: Wednesday, 4th November (One Large Group)
9:30 – 11am
Unfortunately due to Covid Restrictions, the planned presentations by the School Nurse, Out of School Hour Care Program and the 2nd Hand Uniform Sales will not be run on this day.
We ask parents to keep these mornings free. Should any further adjustments be required we would let you know as soon as possible.
Transitions Weeks 1 and 2 Term 1, 2021
With the reduced experiences of Kindergarten during 2021 due to the COVID restrictions, the school will also adjust it’s approach to the start of the year for our new prep students. Our first two weeks will be used to observe and assess students during more informal “kinder like” activities. Using the information gained during these two weeks, students will be grouped into two trial classes. These classes will be adjusted over that time so that the final groupings maximise the success of all students both academically and socially over the remainder of the year. You will be notified of your child’s home teacher at the end of week two.
As parents who are approaching a very important era in your family life, we understand that the uncertainty of current circumstances can cause worry and frustration. As a school we will do everything possible to assist you and your child as they commence school life.
Thank you for your trust, support and understanding.
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